We are a collective of women in ministry, called to amplify women’s voices as we create resources for worshiping communities.
We find courage in the stories of named and unnamed Biblical women, and believe you will too.
Our prayer is that these stories will encourage you and your community so we will all be Just Brave Enough.
What We’re All About
The Just Brave Enough team
Five pastors attended a class, and from there a friendship began, and a team that wants to share the stories of the women in scripture with us all. The team came together and decided to follow the lead of Laura, who had written a paper in seminary from the perspective of a woman in the Bible. She had a dream of writing a book with friends that was all first-person narratives from the perspectives of the women in scripture- not necessarily the big names you know like Eve and Sarah and Mary, but from all the places women are a part of the story of God's people. So we gathered together on Zoom and in-person, and now here we are. Sharing these stories with you. We love scripture, we love all kinds of women, and we love sharing both with you. Thanks for being here.